NC2 Series Systems

The NC2 Series includes four systems: 500NC2, 600NC2, 750NC2, and 800NC2. All of the NC2 Series systems are concrete. Your certified local installer will advise you as to what is the best substrate for the soil composition and local regulations where the installation will take place.

NC2 Concrete

Treatment Capacity 500 to 800 G.P.D.

BOD Loading 1.25 to 1.96 lbs.

Aerator 2.8 to 3.6 scfm

Control Panel Raintight

Electrical 115V/60Hz

State regulations vary. Please check with your sanitation architect or local installer to confirm which system is right for your area.

To find out more, visit State Regulations page.

NC2 Series Systems

500NC2Concrete500 GPD1.25 lbs.2.4 scfmRaintight
600NC2Concrete600 GPD1.5 lbs.2.8 scfmRaintight
750NC2Concrete750 GPD1.85 lbs.3.6 scfmRaintight
800NC2Concrete800 GPD1.96 lbs.3.6 scfmRaintight